Waterfox Browser

Waterfox browser is an open-source browser based on Mozilla Firefox, for 64Bit systems. There is no official 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows, which i.....

Waterfox browser is an open-source browser based on Mozilla Firefox, for 64Bit systems. There is no official 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows, which is the very gap Waterfox Browser has come to fill.

Speed is the hallmark of this browser. It is compiled with Intel C++ Compiler and uses Intel’s Math Kernel Library, Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 and Advanced Vector Extensions.

Waterfox is designed for 64-bit Windows editions and takes advantage and makes efficient use of faster RAM and processing speeds with greater stability, producing timeliness speed.  The browser has a resemblance of the Mozilla-based browsers, with a dark blue Start button instead of Firefox’s default orange.

Waterfox 2019.10 Release
New Logo for Waterfox 2019.10 Release and Up

Otherwise, Waterfox looks like Firefox, It is compatible with all  Firefox add-ons and 64-bit NPAPI browser plug-ins including its various customizable features and options, Microsoft’s Office and Silverlight plug-ins. 

Waterfox receives regularly updates. Choose your choice of software type: Waterfox Browser, Portable Version to download. Enjoy the Waterfox browser experience.

Waterfox gets a refreshing look with Waterfox G3.0.2 – Lets Check it out
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Last updated on November 30th, 2022


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