How to fix the error code 0x80070643 affecting Windows Update

Error code 0x80070643 is commonly caused by issues with Windows Defender or the .NET Framework. Specifically; an outdated or inactive Windows Defender can trigger the error. Updating Defender to the latest version often resolves the issue. Corruption or missing files in the .NET Framework can also lead to error 0x80070643. Installing the latest .NET Framework version can fix this.
Other potential causes include:
- Incorrect system settings
- Malware/virus infections
- Driver malfunctions
- Corrupted or missing system files
- Improper shutdown or power disconnection during updates
In some cases, the error can occur when installing specific Windows updates like KB5034441. But in general, the main culprits are Windows Defender and .NET Framework problems.
The KB5034441 update addresses a vulnerability in the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE) that could potentially allow an attacker to bypass BitLocker encryption on Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise editions. Even though Home edition lacks BitLocker, the update still provides important security fixes and improvements to the WinRE functionality.
This update (KB5034441) is not important for Windows 10 HOME edition, as Windows 10 Home edition has no BitLocker future. So Hide/Skip it and let other updates to be installed. It is important security update for Windows 10 Pro edition to keep SAFE OS due to BitLocker vulnerability using recovery partition.