Privacy options on the internet: Apple-Facebook

If truly, Facebook's advertising model only works if the users have no idea what data are harvested from them, then to what sum. Is it a question of Facebook or Apple?

Apple and Facebook have taken different stances on privacy. Apple has emphasized its commitment to privacy and has implemented measures such as its App Tracking Transparency feature, which requires apps to ask for permission from users before tracking their activity across other apps and websites. In contrast, Facebook has been critical of Apple’s privacy measures, arguing that they negatively impact small businesses and limit the effectiveness of online advertising. Additionally, Facebook has been involved in several privacy scandals, including the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which raised concerns about the company’s handling of user data.

Apple’s Privacy Options

Apple offers several privacy options on its devices, including the ability to control which apps have access to certain types of data, such as location services and contacts. Users can also turn on the “Ask App not to Track” option, which requires apps to ask for permission before tracking user activity across other apps and websites. In addition, Apple’s advertising platform does not track users or share personal information with other companies. However, users should be aware that while turning on the “Ask App not to Track” option can limit some tracking, it is not a catch-all solution for online tracking.

Facebook’s Privacy Options

Facebook’s privacy options include the ability to control who can see your posts and profile information, as well as the ability to limit the data shared with third-party apps. However, Facebook has faced several privacy scandals in recent years, including the Cambridge Analytica scandal, which raised concerns about the company’s handling of user data. Facebook has also been critical of Apple’s privacy measures, arguing that they negatively impact small businesses and limit the effectiveness of online advertising.

As Steve Jobs once said:

Privacy means people know what they are signing up for in plain English and repeatedly.

Steve Jobs

If truly, Facebook’s advertising model only works if the users have no idea what data are harvested from them, then to what sum. Is it a question of Facebook or Apple?. It may be a matter of CHOICE, the question is which one is it.

Privacy options on the internet: Apple-Facebook

The feud between Apple and Facebook highlights the growing importance of privacy options on the internet. While companies and advertisers want to collect data to personalize their ads and improve their services, some users are increasingly concerned about their online privacy and want to have more control over their data.

While Apple and Facebook offer some privacy options, users should be aware of the limitations and potential risks associated with online privacy. It is important for users to stay informed and take steps to protect their online privacy, such as using strong passwords, limiting the data shared with third-party apps, and being cautious about the information they share online.

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Last updated on August 5th, 2023


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