Twitter begin invalidation of v1.1 API requests without project here is a solution

API v1.1 requests to twitter has begin to fail as twitter prepares for transitioning to the v2 rules. Your app request is not in a total dead-end yet.

API v1.1 requests to twitter has begin to fail as twitter prepares for transitioning to the v2 rules. Your app request is not in a total dead-end yet.

Here is what you can do

Make a project and move your old application into this new project. That is it. You are good to go. You should know that request caps are tired to the project container not the standalone application henceforth.

Projects allow you to organize your work based on how you intend to use the Twitter API so you can effectively manage your access to the API and monitor your usage. Each Project can contain one or multiple Apps depending on your access level (described later on this page). You will use these Apps to generate authentication credentials such as API Keys and Secrets, user Access Tokens, and App Access Token.

While you can use these keys and tokens from any App to access the Twitter API or Twitter Ads API (you must apply for additional access to use the Ads API), you must use keys and tokens from an App associated with a Project to be able to use the Twitter API v2 endpoints. 

If you have a developer account, you can view and manage your Projects on the Projects & Apps page within the developer portal. Sign up for an account if you don’t have one already. 

Twitter API

Projects and Twitter API access levels

At this time, there are three different levels of access that are applied at the Project-level:

  • Essential access
  • Elevated access
  • Academic research access

To learn more about what each of these access levels provides, please visit the about Twitter API page.

You can only have one Project with either Essential access or Elevated access at this time. If you are approved for Academic Research access as well, you can have up to two projects: one having Essential/Elevated access and the other having Academic Research access. 

We will describe a few Project-specific differences here for you:

Essential access

This access level is provided to anyone who has signed up for a developer account.

Number of Apps within that Project: 1
Tweet consumption cap: 500,000 Tweets per month

Elevated access

This access level is provided to anyone who has applied for additional access via the developer portal. 

Number of Apps within that Project: 3
Tweet consumption cap: 2 million Tweets per month

Academic Research access

This access level is provided to academic researchers who meet a certain set of requirements and applied for additional access via the developer portal.

Number of Apps within that Project: 1
Tweet consumption cap: 10 million Tweets per month

More Information

Twitter Projects
Developer Apps

Last updated on November 30th, 2022


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