Ontotext open source GraphDB

Ontotext’s GraphDB is a database for managing semantic information, and the latest release, GraphDB 9.0, aims to make it easier for developers to create and operate knowledge graphs by opening multiple integration extension points.

A new version of Ontotext GraphDB that’s open source and comes with a range of new plugins is released. GraphDB Workbench, which give developers a way to quickly develop knowledge graph prototypes, was also open-sourced as a separate project.

GraphDB is an RDF or triple-store database. Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a set of W3C specifications that started life as a metadata model, and has moved on to become a general method of modeling web data. GraphDB implements the RDF4J framework interfaces and the W3C SPARQL Protocol specification.

The new release features a major redesign of the database Plugin API, and the developers say this simplifies the way to implement complex software logic next to the core database engine. A number of plugins have been released as open-source, demonstrating how to solve common tasks such as data virtualization with the MongoDB Plugin, and a complex ranking of search results with the Autocomplete Index Plugin which offers suggestions for the URIs local names in the SPARQL editor and the View Resource page.

A GraphDB GeoSPARQL plugin can be used to convert Well-Known Text from different coordinate reference systems (CRS) into the CRS84 format, which is the default CRS according to the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). GeoSPARQL is a standard for representing and querying geospatial linked data for the Semantic Web from the OGC. Another plugin supports advanced graph analytics with an RDFRank plugin.

Elsewhere, GraphDB Workbench now becomes a separate open-source project designed to give developers a way to quickly develop knowledge graph prototypes starting from the default AngularJS administrative interface. GraphDB also includes an open-source GraphDB.js driver optimized for Node.js and other rapid development frameworks. GraphDB supports OpenJDK 8 for its existing clients, and also every new Oracle Java Long Term Support (LTS) version.

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Last updated on June 21st, 2023


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