GuliKit Hall Joystick to Solve Drift Problem on Nintendo Switch

The joystick of the Nintendo Switch has for a while being a huge problem for users, most especially gaming experiences that involves drifting with the joystick.

An accessory company called GuliKit has released a new type of joystick for Nintendo Switch. The Joystic from GuliKit are based on Hall Sensor technology, which promises to eliminate the drift problem in the joy-cons of Nintendo’s hybrid console, something that happens for design failure, according to a study conducted.

Analog, at first, is not much different in appearance compared to the original model of the video game. However, it has a way to operate based on electromagnetic technology. In this way, the chance of drift, which has already affected even devices such as Steam Deck, is reduced or completely eliminated.

GuliKit Hall Joystick
GuliKit Hall Joystick

This type of product is not exactly new and has been used in controls several times. Even portable consoles like AYANEO have this technology. In general, in addition to solving the problem, analogs with Hall Sensor promise greater accuracy and do not wear out with use.

According to Gulikit, the process for the exchange is hassle-free and the items fit perfectly into the joy-cons of the Nintendo Switch. On her official website, she is not selling the controls already with the products applied but rather the replacement kit for exchange, which she recommends to do only in case of repair.

GuliKit Hall Joystick installed on Nintendo Switch
GuliKit Hall Joystick installed on Nintendo Switch

Repair Instruction

The price for the GiliKit Hall Joysticks is US$29.70. In addition, Gulikit recommends calibrating the accessory in the console settings, and turning it off and on again after replacing it.

gilikit hall joysticks on switch replacment
GiliKit Hall Joysticks on Switch replacment
gilikit hall joysticks on switch
GiliKit Hall Joysticks on Switch
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