Apple releases iOS and iPadOS 15.7.8 with important security fixes

Apple has released iOS 15.7.8 and iPadOS 15.7.8 with important security fixes.

These updates address various security issues, including vulnerabilities in WebKit, which is the browser engine used by Safari. The specific details of the security fixes have not been disclosed by Apple, as they typically do not disclose or discuss security issues until an investigation has occurred and patches are available.

Apple made available yesterday, Monday 24th, version 15.7.8 of iOS and iPadOS for devices that use version 15 of the operating systems. The new 19H364 build adds important security fixes to the software.

According to the company, the update does not introduce new features or features, given that iOS and iPadOS 15 only receive security updates since the arrival of version 16 of the respective operating systems.

The updates, iOS 15.7.8 and iPadOS 15.7.8, are aimed at protecting users from actively exploited security bugs. It is recommended that users install these updates to ensure their devices are protected from potential security threats.

Keeping software up to date is crucial for maintaining the security of Apple products, and installing the latest updates is one of the most important steps users can take.

How to Update

Users can update their iOS devices by going to Settings > General > Software Update, and their iPadOS devices by going to Settings > General > Software Update.

The updates are aimed at protecting users from actively exploited security bugs. It is always advisable to stay vigilant about software updates and promptly install them to benefit from the latest security enhancements and bug fixes provided by Apple.

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