Honda and Sony announce AFEELA

Sony and Honda has announce a partnership project they call Sony Honda Mobility aimed at producing a mobility line called AFEELA.

Sony and Honda has announced a partnership project they call Sony Honda Mobility aimed at producing a mobility line called AFEELA at CES early this month. AFEELA prototype made it to the announcement in a dull white look bearing the text logo mark of AFEELA on the rear bonnet.

The back also features the logo mark AFEELA in a pretty faint redacted manner as it display on a red all engulfing tail light.

AFEELA - side back view
AFEELA – side back view

Honda and Sony wishes to move people, through the pursuit of innovation with diverse inspirations through delivering something the joint venture calls 3A (Autonomy, Augmentation and Afinity). AFEELA would reach customer in South America in 202according to AFEELA.

AFEELA Prototype

Sony Honda Mobility announce AFEELA

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