Creating value by enhancing customer engagement

The process increasingly plays out in hyper-competitive markets with many touch-points and individual interactions. More customers expect the ultimate levels of satisfaction, and they hope this from even the sleepiest corners of markets across all industries.

What does a customer want?

This is the question that the savviest executives are asking more frequently than ever. Technology has handed customers unprecedented control over the experience of purchasing goods and services. The process increasingly plays out in hyper-competitive markets with many touch-points and individual interactions. More customers expect the ultimate levels of satisfaction, and they hope this from even the sleepiest corners of markets across all industries.

Technological advancements have undoubtedly paved the way for faster communication. However, one to one interaction with clients can lead to better communication, building trust, nurturing relationships and pivotal feedback for the company.

One to one interaction with clients can lead to better communication, building trust, nurturing relationships and pivotal feedback for the company.

Customers increasingly dictate the rules. Most of them expect “now” service, within five minutes of making contact. Also, they want a simple experience when they shop. Moreover, they not only expect providers of services and products to do business on digital platforms but also insist on “social” experience.

Many businesses already understand that it’s no longer enough to compete on products or services, but it is equally essential to work on enhancing customer engagement. And, a good sales representative strives for the highest level of such engagement.

Companies that make it easier for their customers to connect in what they regard as a positive way tend to make inroads on the competition for an outstanding customer service they provide. The best will adapt their processes, cultures, and mindsets to manage the entire customer experience skillfully; which benefits not only consumers but also the sales representative and the bottom line.

Last updated on November 30th, 2022


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