Airtel, Tigo Orange; The speculation Story

The tech community is lately characterized with rumors on who buys who and who merges who. First it was Bharti Airtel, owners of Airtel Ghana, is supposedly in talks with rival telecom company, Millicom International Cellular, operators of tiGO in Ghana, for a possible merger in Ghana.

Officialdom rubbished the rumors. The situation moved to Orange buying Tigo Ghana and Airtel Ghana to make entrance into the Ghanaian telecommunications.

Just two years ago, when rumors of Airtel begining talks to sell off its operations in Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo Brazzaville and Sierra Leone to Orange, the company came to state that it wouldn’t be leaving Africa yet reports of sale of 14 operations in Africa has become kown, as Bharti Airtel claims poor performance across those markets coupled with  high debt portfolio.

Officialdom has since remained tight lipped on the new stages of the rumors. But no matter how high the rumors flies the truth shall surely come out.


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