Tizen Studio moves to Version 1.3

Tizen Studio is the bakery for producing Tizen applications for  Tizen devices. Whether it it wearable, IoT devices, Smart TVs, smartphones, etc all the necessary tools, SDK, sample codes ,etc are available under Tizen Studio.

The previous update which was version 1.2 dates back to may , so it has been quite sometime since we have seen an update to the program. 

The previous release introduced Tizen RT for the first time in Tizen studio and hence letting users develop lightweight Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) based applications which are suited for IoT development.
Tizen Studio 1.3 feature newbies like; 

  • EDC keyword suport.
  • RT IDE standalone installer.
  • Fixed IDE bugs from 1.2 and many more.

Checkout the change logs  for more info on version 1.3.

Credit: Tizen Experts


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